
Ethiopian cultural food

ሚጥሚጣበርበሬ አይነት ነው ሚጥሚጣ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የሚገኝ ተክል ነው

The mixer is a type of pepper, a plant found in Ethiopia

$17.89 $30.42


በብዛት የጉራጌ ብሄረሰብ ለክትፎ ፣ ለአይብ ፣ ለጎመን ፣ ለቡላገንፎ ወዘተ..ይጠቀማል ።

ሚጥሚጣ በውስጡ ካፕሳይሲን የሚባል ጥንተ ንጥር ውሑድ ስላለው፣ ለሕይወት ዕድሜና ለብዙ አይነት ሕመም ጥሩ ነው ምግብ ያባላል ያቃጥላል፤ የሆድ ውስጥ ጀርሞችንም ያጠቃል።

  • spices also have chores, branches, and salt. Sometimes they have cinnamon, cumin, or ginger.
  • In many cases, the guraga culture is for cucumbre, cheese, cabbage, bulaganfo, and so on. He uses it.
  • Because the caterpillan has a compound called capsaicin, it is good for life expectancy and many types of pain, and it burns food and attacks germs in the stomach.
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