ሰሞኑን በቦሌ ክፍለ ከተማ ከ3 ሺህ 80 የሺሻ ዕቃ እና 80 ኪሎ ግራም አደንዛዥ ዕፅ ተይዞ መወገዱን ገልጿል። በህጋዊ ንግድ ሽፋን ሺሻ እና አደንዛዥ ዕፅ ሲጨስባቸው ከተገኙ ቤቶች ነው ይሄ
Harvey Weinstein: Ashley Judd leads backlash against quashed rape conviction
Hollywood actress Ashley Judd says the overturning of disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction is a “hard day for survivors”. “But we live in our truth,” Ms Judd
New Jeans: The controversy shaking the K-pop world
Audits, allegations of copying, an emotional press conference, confused fans – the latest controversy shaking the K-pop world has it all. At the centre of it all – popular group
California college cancels graduation ceremony as protests after Israel’s war in Gaza continue
A leading California university has cancelled its graduation ceremony as protests over Gaza continue to spread on college campuses across the US. The University of Southern California (USC) in Los
China warns US not to step on its ‘red lines’
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has cautioned his US counterpart Antony Blinken against stepping on China’s “red lines”, as the two country’s top diplomats met in Beijing on Friday. Mr
Japan comes face to face with its own space junk
A satellite operated by Japanese company Astroscale has chased down a 15 year-old piece of space junk and taken an up-close image of it. The object is a discarded rocket
South Korea: World Scout Jamboree disaster blamed on government
The South Korean government has denied being responsible for the disastrous World Scout Jamboree last year after being held to blame by investigators. Tens of thousands were evacuated from the
በኮሎምቢያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ውስጥ ድንኳኖችን የዘረጉት የፍልስጤም ደጋፊዎች በተቃውሟችን እንቀጥላለን አሉ
በኮሎምቢያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ግቢ ውስጥ ለአንድ ሳምንት ያህል ድንኳኖችን ተክለው በፍልስጤማውያን ላይ እየደረሰ ያለውን ጥቃት እየተቃወሙ ያሉ ተማሪዎች በተቃውሟቸው እንደሚቀጥሉ ተናገሩ። የኮሎምቢያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ፕሬዚዳንት ተማሪዎቹ ከግቢው እንዲወጡ ቀነ ገደብ ቢያስቀምጡም በተማሪዎች
ስለ ክትባት ያልተረጋገጡ የሴራ ትንተናዎችን የሚያሠራጩት ተጽእኖ ፈጣሪ ፓስተር
ታዋቂው ፓስተር ክሪስ ኦያኪሂሎሜ ወደ ካሜራው በቀጥታ እያዩ “ክትባቶች ስለመሥራታቸው ምንም ዓይነት ማረጋገጫ ተገኝቶ አያውቅም” ሲሉ ይናገራሉ። ፓስተሩ በቤተ-ክርስቲያን ለተሰባሰቡ እና በዩቲዩብ በሚሠራጨው ስብከታቸው ላይ ሁሉም ሰው ስለክትባት ውሸትነት ይነገራዋል
የኢራን መንግሥትን የተቃወመው ራፐር ሞት እንደተፈረደበት ጠበቃው ተናገረ
መንግሥትን የሚቃወሙ እንቅስቃሴዎችን በመደገፍ የታሰረው ኢራናዊ ራፐር በሞት እንዲቀጣ በፍርድ ቤት ውሳኔ መተላለፉን ጠበቃው ገለጸ። ቱማጂ ሳሊህ የተባለው ሙዚቀኛ ከሁለት ዓመታት በፊት በኢራን የተቀሰቀሰውን ተቃውሞ በመደገፍ የራፕ ሙዚቃ አውጥቶ ነበር።