Former South African President Jacob Zuma has launched a scathing attack on some of the country’s top judges after he was barred from running for parliament on Monday. In his
Israeli hostage’s family hope kidnap video reminds world of need for deal
The brother of Israeli hostage Naama Levy has said the family’s decision to release new harrowing video of the moment his sister and other female hostages were kidnapped is to
Chris Mason: Why did Sunak decide to call summer election?
The general election is on – it will soon be over to you. Power will soon drain from Westminster, and drain from those who currently hold it. Politicians, and their
Nikki Haley says she is voting Trump for president
Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has said she plans to vote for Donald Trump, her former opponent and boss, in the 2024 US presidential election. Ms Haley, who once
Doncic leads Mavericks to win over Timberwolves
Luka Doncic starred as the Dallas Mavericks beat the Minnesota Timberwolves 108-105 in the opening game of the NBA’s Western Conference Finals. Slovenia’s Doncic top-scored with 33 points, including 15
American Pegula pulls out of French Open
World number five Jessica Pegula has pulled out of the French Open because of ongoing neck and back injuries. The 30-year-old has not played since winning her two matches to
Paul Pelosi attacker sentenced to 30 years in prison
The man who attacked the husband of former US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. David DePape was convicted of assault and
ድርጅት በመፍጠር እና መልሶ በመሸጥ የምትታወቀው ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያዊቷ ኬነሳ ሙሉነህ
ኬነሳ ሙሉነህ ትባላለች። ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያዊት ነች። በሃያዎቹ መጀመሪያ የዕድሜ ክልል እያለች የቤተሰቦቿን ሕልም ዕውን ለማድረግ በህክምና ዶክትሬቷን ያዘች። የማኅበራዊ ሚዲያ ንቁ ተሳታፊ እና ‘ተጠቃሚ’ ናት። ሦስት፣ አራት የንግድ ድርጅቶችን መሥርታ
ለናይጄሪያ ወላጅ አልባ ታዳጊዎች የታቀደው የጅምላ ሰርግ ቁጣ አስነሳ
በናይጄሪያ ወደ 100 ለሚጠጉ ወላጅ አልባ ሴት ታዳጊዎች ሊካሄድ የታቀደው የጅምላ ሰርግ በአገሪቱ ከፍተኛ ቁጣ ቀሰቀሰ። ከወላጅ አልባዎቹ መካከል አንዳንዶቹ እድሜያቸው ያልደረሱ ታዳጊዎች ሊገኙበት እንደሚችል ተፈርቷል። የጅምላ ሰርጉ የታቀደው በሚቀጥለው
ምኩራብ አቃጥሏል የተባለው ተጠርጣሪ በፈረንሳይ ፖሊስ ተገደለ
በሰሜናዊ ፈረንሳይ ሩየን ከተማ የሚገኝ ምኩራብ በማቃጠል የተጠረጠረው ግለሰብ በፖሊስ ጥይት መገደሉን የአገሪቱ ባለስልጣናት አስታወቁ። ግለሰቡ ቢላዋ እና ብረታማ መሳሪያ ይዞ እንደነበር የተገለጸ ሲሆን ፖሊሶችን በማስፈራራቱ በጥይት መመታቱን የሩየን አቃቤ