About Ethiopia
የ12ቱ ኮከቦች ሐተታ በ1,200 ስመጥሮች ዝርዝርና በበርካታ ሀገራዊ ምሳሌዎች ታግዞ የቀረበበት ሲሆን፣ ትውፊትን በማኄስ ምርመራ የዐውደ ነገሥት ተወዳሽ እና ተወቃሽ ጐኖችን ይፈትሻል፡፡
መጽሃፉ ልቦለድን በአስትሮሎጂ ማእቀፍ ውስጥ በመተርጐም ሙከራ፣ የ“ፍቅር እስከ መቃብር” የረጅም ልቦለድ መጽሃፍን ገፀ–ባህርያት ኮከብ እና ውክልና የሚቃኝ ሲሆን፣ የታዋቂ ሰዎችን ጉልህ ስብእና በልደት ሰንጠረዥ አማካይነት ተተንትኗል። የኢትዮጵያንና የአስትሮሎጂን፣ የቃላትንና የከዋከብትን፣ የጨረቃንና የሥነ ተዋልዶን ልዩ ተዛምዶም ይዳስሳል፡፡
The Commentary on the 12 Stars is presented with the help of a list of 1,200 lines and several national examples, and it examines the favorable and unfavorable sides of the context through a careful examination of tradition. The book is an attempt to interpret the novel in an astrological framework, explores the stars and representations of the characters of the long novel “Love to the Grave”, and analyzes the significant personalities of famous people through birth charts. It explores the special relationship between Ethiopia and astrology, words and stars, the moon and fertility.
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