
You Can Win

Winners Don’t Do Different Things. They  DO This Things Differently.

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This book will help individuals to: have confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking; be successful by turning weakness into strengths; gain credibility by doing the right thing for the right reason; take charge by controlling things instead of letting them control you; build trust by developing mutual respect with the people around you; accomplish more by removing the barriers to effectiveness.(ይህ መጽሐፍ ግለሰቦች እንዲያምኑ ይረዳቸዋል፡ ሰባቱን ወደ አዎንታዊ አስተሳሰብ በመምራት በራስ መተማመን እንዲኖራቸው ያደርጋል። ድክመትን ወደ ጥንካሬ በመቀየር ስኬታማ መሆን; ለትክክለኛው ምክንያት ትክክለኛውን ነገር በማድረግ ታማኝነትን ማግኘት; ነገሮችን እንዲቆጣጠሩህ ከመፍቀድ ይልቅ በመቆጣጠር ኃላፊነቱን ውሰድ; በአካባቢዎ ካሉ ሰዎች ጋር የጋራ መከባበርን በማዳበር መተማመንን መገንባት; የውጤታማነት እንቅፋቶችን በማስወገድ የበለጠ ማከናወን።)

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