
ሰባት ቆጥር

Continuing from this, we will look in detail at various evidences that explain the completeness of the mysteries of number 7 for the teaching of the Church: ከዚህ ቀጥለንም ለቤተ–ክርስቲያን አስተምህሮ የ፯ ቁጥር ምስጢራትን ምሉዕነትን የሚያስረዱ ልዩ ልዩ ማስረጃዎችን በዝርዝር እንመለከታለን፦

/ ሰባቱ አባቶች                                                        A/ The Seven Fathers

  1. ሰማያዊ አባታችን እግዚአብሔር                             1. Heavenly Father God
  2. የነፍስ አባት                                                               2. The father of the soul
  3. ወላጅ አባት                                                                3. Parental father
  4. የክርስትና አባት                                                        4. Father of Christianity
  5. የጡት አባት                                                               5. Breast father
  6. የቆብ አባት                                                                6. Cap’s father
  7. የቀለም አባት                                                             7. The father of color If you want to order similar book
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3 ተኛ እትም

በመጽሐፍ ቅዱስና በስርዓተ ቤተክርስቲያን አስተምህሮ ስባት ቁጥር ብዙ ምሳሌ እንዳለው ይታወቃል፡፡ በዕብራዊያን ዘንድም ሰባት ፍጹም ቁጥር ነው፡፡ [ምሳሌ 2416} እግዚአብሔር ከሰኞ እስከ እሑድ ያሉትን ቀናት በሰባት ቁጥሮች ወስኗል ሕዝበ እስራኤል ከግብጽ ባርነት ወጥተው በሲና በርሀ ሲጓዙ ይመሩት የነበሩት በደመና እንደነበረ ይታወቃል፡፡ [ዘዳ 1321]

It is known that the number seven has many examples in the Bible and the teachings of the Church. For the Hebrawyan, seven is a perfect number. [Proverbs 24:16} God has determined the days from Monday to Sunday with seven numbers. It is known that the people of Israel were led by seven clouds when they came out of slavery in Egypt and traveled through Sinai. [zeda 13:21]




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