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ርዕስ : ደቦ
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
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ርዕስ : ፌላሌምለሌሞንም
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
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leather bag
እያንዳንዱ ቦርሳ እና የቆዳ መለዋወጫ ስብስብ ከመጀመሪያው እስከ መጨረሻው በእጅ የተሰራ
ነው ስለዚህ እያንዳንዳችን ምርቶች የራሳቸው ልዩ ባህሪ አላቸው የእኛ የቆዳ ቦርሳዎች ፣
የመልእክት ቦርሳዎች እና የጉዞ ቦርሳዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው የሚገባውን እንክብካቤ እና ትኩረት
ለማሳየት ጥሩ ምሳሌ ናቸው።
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
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leather bag
Each bag and a leather accessory range is handmade from start to finish so that each of our products has its own unique character. Our leather satchels, messenger bags and travel bags are an excellent example to show the care and attention, which goes into each one. This is how they are made.
እያንዳንዱ ቦርሳ እና የቆዳ መለዋወጫ ስብስብ ከመጀመሪያው እስከ መጨረሻው በእጅ የተሰራ
ነው ስለዚህ እያንዳንዳችን ምርቶች የራሳቸው ልዩ ባህሪ አላቸው የእኛ የቆዳ ቦርሳዎች ፣
የመልእክት ቦርሳዎች እና የጉዞ ቦርሳዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው የሚገባውን እንክብካቤ እና ትኩረት
ለማሳየት ጥሩ ምሳሌ ናቸው።
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
If you would like to order more products from our page, please send us your request on the link below.
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leather bag
Each bag and a leather accessory range is handmade from start to finish so that each of our products has its own unique character. Our leather satchels, messenger bags and travel bags are an excellent example to show the care and attention, which goes into each one. This is how they are made.
እያንዳንዱ ቦርሳ እና የቆዳ መለዋወጫ ስብስብ ከመጀመሪያው እስከ መጨረሻው በእጅ የተሰራ
ነው ስለዚህ እያንዳንዳችን ምርቶች የራሳቸው ልዩ ባህሪ አላቸው የእኛ የቆዳ ቦርሳዎች ፣
የመልእክት ቦርሳዎች እና የጉዞ ቦርሳዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው የሚገባውን እንክብካቤ እና ትኩረት
ለማሳየት ጥሩ ምሳሌ ናቸው።
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
If you would like to order more products from our page, please send us your request on the link below.
Please, let Us Have your Thoughts
Each bag and a leather accessory range is handmade from start to finish so that each of our products has its own unique character. Our leather satchels, messenger bags and travel bags are an excellent example to show the care and attention, which goes into each one. This is how they are made.
እያንዳንዱ ቦርሳ እና የቆዳ መለዋወጫ ስብስብ ከመጀመሪያው እስከ መጨረሻው በእጅ የተሰራ
ነው ስለዚህ እያንዳንዳችን ምርቶች የራሳቸው ልዩ ባህሪ አላቸው የእኛ የቆዳ ቦርሳዎች ፣
የመልእክት ቦርሳዎች እና የጉዞ ቦርሳዎች ለእያንዳንዳቸው የሚገባውን እንክብካቤ እና ትኩረት
ለማሳየት ጥሩ ምሳሌ ናቸው።
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
If you would like to order more products from our page, please send us your request on the link below.
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Ethiopian story book
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
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story book.
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
If you would like to order more products from our page, please send us your request on the link below.
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set your goal.
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09: 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
If you would like to order more products from our page, please send us your request on the link below.
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Shiro Pot/Plate
ሸክላ፣ የአፈር ውጤት ነው። የሸክላ ውጤቶች ፥የቤት ቁሳቁሶችን፣ እንደ ድስት፣ ገንቦ፣ ማሰሮ፣ ሰሀን፣ ኩባያ ወዘተ እንዲሁም ለግንባታ ፥ቤት፣ ግቢ አጥር የመሬት ምንጣፍ ወለሎችን ወዘተ ፤የተለያዩ ጌጣጌጦችን ቅርፃቅርፆችን ወዘተ የሚሰራበት
or email us @
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Lighting Fixtures
ከሸክላ የተሰራ ቤትዎን በብርሃን የሚሞላና የሚያስውብ የእጅ ስራ
A hand work that fills and decorates your pottery house.
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Flower Basket
ከሸክላ የተሰራ የአበባ መያዣ እና ማስቀመጫ ቅርጫት
Cute little basket made of clay
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Candle House
ከሸክላ የተሰራ ቤቶን እና ጠረጴዛዎን በብርሃን የሚያደምቅ የእጅ ስራ
Handcrafted from clay
Beautiful lights for your tables.
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09: 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
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If you would like to order more products from our page, please send us your request on the link below.
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If you would like to order more products from our page, please send us your request on the link below.
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Paint 21
Colaje work
በኢትዮጵያዊያን ሥነ-ጥበብ ድርጊት እና ውጤትን የያዘ ጥበብ ሲል ይገልፀዋል፤ ሥዕልን። በሰዓሊነት ሙያ ውስጥ ሸራ፣ ብሩሽ፣ ወረቀት እና ሌሎች መሳሪያዎች ሊያስፈልጉ ይችላሉ ዕንቁ የጥበብ ሰዎች የተሰሩ በፈለጉት መጠን በሸራ ላይ በቀለም የተዋቡ ስዕሎች ታሪክ አዘል የሆኑ፣ ለአይን እጅግ ማራኪ እና ውብ የሆኑ በቤት ውስጥ በመኝታ ግድግዳ መሰቀል የሚችሉ ከ90cm ጀምረው በፈለጉት መጠን
He describes it as an act of Ethiopian art and an art with results: painting. In the artistic profession, canvases, brush, paper, and other tools may be needed, starting with 90cm, when the pearls of wisdom are made with as much colorful paintings as they like, the most attractive to the eye, and the most beautiful ones in the hom
ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ መስመራችን 09 44 36 97 53 ወይም 09 76 00 69 40 ሀሳቦትን ያስቀምጡልን
For more information, please call us directly to 09 44 36 97 53 or 09 76 00 69 40
or email us @
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- Smartphones & Tablets
- Smartphones
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